Bank account in Hong Kong

We’ll be glad to answer all your questions regarding bank account opening in Hong Kong.

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Corporate or personal bank account in Hong Kong

As a recognized financial center in Asia, Hong Kong has one of the world’s highest concentrations of banking institutions and ranked 7th in the world for foreign exchange reserves.

There are about 190 banks and more than 70 of the hundred largest banks in the world conduct their operations in Hong Kong.

The local banks there is a three-tier system of deposit-taking institutions – banks with a full license (or licensed banks), restricted license banks and deposit companies.

Together, they are subject to the rules established by the Office of the monetary circulation.

Hong Kong Bank Account benefits:

» Convertible Currency HKD
» Multi-currency account, including RMB
» No currency exchange control
» Low tariff rates

We assist you in the opening of multi-currency bank accounts in Hong Kong for your company or personal account in one of the leading banks which provides a high-quality service with internet banking.

Examples of such banks in Hong Kong: HSBC, Bank of China (Hong Kong), ChinaTrust Commercial (CTBC), OCBC and others.

Our services include:

» Advising in a bank selection, the meeting arrangement, we also participate in your meeting with a representative of the bank
» Certification of corporate documents set required to be submitted to the bank
» Advice on the preparation of supporting documents
» Follow up with additional questions received from bank

When applying to the bank account, the Company Director(s) and all authorized persons who will have access to the bank account, should be present at the meeting.

Get your preliminary consultation, contact us today.